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Configure Sales Without Address with Revere Payments

If you sell a digital product or don't need the buyer's address, you can remove this step from Checkout Guru with Revere Payments.

On this page:

  • Step 1: Allow Sales Without Address

  • Step 2: Hide address fields in Checkout Guru

Before you start, you need…

Step 1: Allow Sales Without Address

In this step, you will enable sales without an address using bank slips.


1 - Access the Guru admin with your username and password.

2 - Acess Settings > Integrations > Checkout Guru > Revere Payments

3 - Switch the Active button to the on position if you want to allow Sales Without Address.


4 - Click Send.

Step 2: Hide address fields in Checkout Guru

In this step, you will access the settings of the desired product or offer and hide the address fields in Checkout Guru.

See the complete tutorial:

Hide address fields in Checkout Guru

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